Strength is the capacity to beat a resistance with the contraction produced by the muscles. There are 3 types of strength:
- Maximum strength: It is the maximum weight an individual can move in a single repetition or movement. Ex: hammer throwing
- Explosive strength: This type of force is measured according to the speed with which a weight is moved, in this case at high speed. Ex: skipping
- Resistance strength: It is the ability to withstand muscle fatigue during prolonged exertion. Ex: burpee
2. What is flexibility as basic physical capacity? What factors does flexibility depend on?
It is the muscle's capacity to make the greatest possible articular movement without damaging the muscle and/or the joint. It depends on the muscular elasticity and on the joint mobility.
3. What is endurance as basic physical ability? How many types of endurance are there? Explain them and give an example of each of them.
It is the physical capacity that a body possesses to support an external resistance during a certain time. There are 2 types of endurance:
- Aerobic endurance: a marathon
- Anaerobic endurance: farlek or bosco
4. How can I improve my endurance? Explain two exercises to improve aerobic endurance.
Burpees: flexion and jump
Skipping rope.
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